Navratri Colours?
When we know that Navratri is coming, we decorate our homes and change the colour of the walls, right? However, today’s blog will advise you which colour is ideal for Navratri decoration. Paint your walls and polish your furnishings to welcome Mata Laxmi to your house.
Navratri Decoration Colour Idea?
Day 1: Yellow – Ghatasthapana/Pratipada
Give yellow Navratri decoration walls away since this colour represents pleasure and light. Let Mata Laxmi come to bless you by brightening your wall as well as beautifully decorate your happiness.
Day 2: Green – Dwitiya
Green represents new beginnings, plenty, and nature, which promotes good sentiments during Navratri decoration. Make a big change in your interior painting by decorating your wall.
Day 3: Grey – Tritiya
Grey colour gives good implications include formality and reliability, while its negative connotations include being too traditional, conventional, and emotionless. It’s secure and muted, serious and guarded. Grey colour indicates Moody, Conservative & Formality on this Navratri festive.
Day 4: Orange – Panchami
Orange, as a secondary hue, mixes the warmth and fire of red with the levity and pleasure of yellow. It draws attention without being as bold as red, and it is utilised for warning signals such as traffic cones and high-visibility apparel. Orange give Energy, Happiness & Vitality to your sweet home.
Day 5: White – Sashti
Colour of Purity, Cleanliness & Virtue which also have the power to be any colour. As you know white colour is a universal colour which is a sign of positivity so let celebrated this Navratri in white colour.
Day 6: Red – Saptami
Red represents the fire of energy, passion, and love. When we are furious, we “see red,” and it is also the colour of blood, strength, and danger, making it a strong hue in branding. Ready for red then your impact will be Passion, Love & Anger.
Day 7: Royal Blue – Ashtami
Blue is a peaceful and tranquil hue that conveys wisdom and responsibility. Blue is calming and soothing, Painting Drive will succeed you grow to your furniture & wall in the right.
Day 8: Pink – Navami
Pink implies femininity and romance, but also sensitivity and gentleness. It’s naturally pleasant, adorable, and appealing. Pink is the hue of beauty, and you can use it in unexpected ways to stand out from your dull and drab wall or to add a surprise touch to an already sophisticated wall design.
Day 9: Purple – Dashami
Purple is a lovely hue, and many people choose it for their walls. If you are Creativity, Royal, Wealth then purple is the best colour for you on this Navratri occasion.
We hope you found this knowledge useful and that you enjoyed reading it. Keep an eye on the new and exciting stuff! I wish you and your families a wonderful day & Healthy life.
Read More about Exterior Colour Combinations For Your HomePainting.
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