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What is the Perfect Way to Paint Wooden Furniture?

If you like painting or colouring wooden furniture, then this is your dream come true. You’ve arrived at the right place to learn about unique paint coating & Colouring techniques and to understand How to paint on wooden furniture

If you’ve tried painting on wooden furniture before and it’s turned out strange, don’t give up! Painters have difficulty painting on wooden furniture at times. We also provided you with a series of steps to follow during the painting process to finish your troubles with how to colour the furniture (wooden) precisely.


Cleaning your wooden furniture before painting is important because it prevents tiny soot and grime. The stability between the paint and the furniture is reduced when dust specks are present on wooden furniture. Powder cleansers, which are used in paint stores, kill the Perry with better accuracy.  Hence, sanding and stripping are two more classifications for the cleansing procedure.

  • SandingSanding

The surface should be smooth before applying the stain. Otherwise, the finish could not conform properly. A flawless finish requires proper sanding. Use the appropriate grit sandpaper for the work.

  • Stripping

Stripping is the process of removing any existing paint or stickers from wooden furniture.

Test wood property for Painting wooden furniture

Check the adhesion condition of your wooden furniture after the sanding and stripping process is over. Apply primers to the surface of your furniture to do this. Check that the primer has adhered to the surface of your wooden piece without forming bubbles as soon as it has dried.

Open the furniture’s joints

Some of your wooden furniture can be difficult to deconstruct; in these situations, you can only cut the screws that link the joints. You will paint in any joint and corner of your furniture by disassembling it. Enable the disassembled wooden pieces to dry after you’ve finished painting them, and then reconstruct them.

Trimming – Paint wooden furniture

If the piece of wooden furniture has wax, you’ll need to trim the paintbrush’s feathers. If you skip this step, the paint will break and end up in other areas of your wooden furniture, where you will need to add different colours.

First Paint Coating – Paint wooden furniture

Start each painting session with a small amount of paint. When drawing, apply even pressure to the brush and drive it in the same direction for the entire duration. Be sure the first coat is on the edges, and never pour paint into chambers. If the paint colours on your wood furniture are dark shade, you should be more cautious when painting because dark colours will detract from the overall cosmetic appearance of your wooden furniture if applied incorrectly.

Allow 60 to 120 minutes for the paint to dry after the first coating process is completed. If you lose any spots during the drying process, don’t worry about it; you can repair them on the second coat. If your wooden furniture looks saturated after the first coat, it’s an indirect sign that you’ve done a good job painting it.

Second Paint Coating – Paint Wooden Furniture

Once the first coat is complete. The second coat’s primary objective is to ensure that the wooden furniture appears even around the whole surface. During the second coat, just add colour to the areas where it has faded. 

Know more: What is the Best Wood for Furniture in the Home | Type of Wooden Furniture 

You are ready to go 

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