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Difference Between Laminate & Lamination (Polyester)

There are significant differences between laminate & lamination. Whereas lamination is a liquid-based solution used for wood polishing & laminate is a thin sheet used for covering any surface.

Difference Between Laminate & Lamination

Wood Laminate

Laminates can be of any material, although they are most commonly composed of veneers, which are thin sheets of wood.

Benefits of Wood Laminate:

  • Designed to be extremely long-lasting
  • Installation is simpler and less expensive.
  • Water and scratch resistance
  • The surface is hygienic and easily cleanable.
  • Design that is realistic

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Wood Lamination 

Wood Lamination Coating provides a clear, smooth surface with a strong mirror effect like shine, safeguarding and preserving the natural beauty of wood.

Polyester finish application involves the use of specialist equipment and technology in order to generate a high-quality result. When scratch resistance and gloss are required for commercial and residential applications, polyester is specified.

Wood Polish for Furniture

Benefits of Wood Lamination:

  • 12 to 14 coats of lamination polish on Laminate 
  • Thicker Polish 
  • Lamination is the most attractive polish
  • High Gloss Finish on laminate
  • Expensive Polish
  • Design that is Plain Glossy 

Also read: Satin Metal Coating| The Metal Finish on Wooden Surfaces


If you want to give your wood a shining appearance, use lamination wood coating, and only if you want to cover your wood with a sheet, use laminate. Painting Drive Suggestion use veneer then laminates. 

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