You are currently viewing Laminate Kitchen Or Acrylic Kitchen: Which Kitchen Cabinet Finish is the Best?

Laminate Kitchen Or Acrylic Kitchen: Which Kitchen Cabinet Finish is the Best?

Laminate or Acrylic is the most popular option for Kitchen Cabinets in 2024. However, they differ in terms of visual appeal, pricing and durability.

Hence, the confusion over choosing between Laminate and Acrylic for kitchen cabinets even Modular Kitchen is introduced in interior design.

Acrylic Kitchen

Acrylic is a popular new material that is commonly utilised in modular kitchens due to its high-end modern appearance. So, Acrylics finishes comprise plastic resins and are easily accessible in sheets.

Unique and modern Acrylic Kitchen.
Unique and modern Acrylic Kitchen.


  • Acrylic prefers a glossy finish.
  • Acrylic stands by wear and tear & it is cost-effective.
  • On this shiny surface, dirt, stains, and fingerprints are easily visible.
  • Shades may differ on paper and in reality.
  • So, acrylic is non-toxic and extremely water-resistant.

Laminate Kitchen

Kitchen cabinet finishes that are most often utilised are laminates. Thin layers of plastic resins and flat sheets press together to create this artificial multi-layered substance. Colours and ornamental patterns are print on the upper layer. Hence, laminates are a very cost-effective option.

Laminate kitchen is a motivational kitchen for middle-class Homes.
Laminate kitchen is a motivational kitchen for middle-class Homes.


  • Laminates are simple to keep clean and wipe off on a regular basis.
  • Laminates are cost-effective and budget-friendly.
  • Laminate is less glossy
  • Dirt, stains, and fingerprints are clearly apparent on gloss-finish laminates.
  • So, Laminates have multiple options of colours and finishes.

Which one is Best Laminate or Acrylic for Kitchen Cabinet?

We must analyse a lot of things before selecting a kitchen cabinet finish. Kitchen cabinets of acrylic or laminate, in general, this is due to the fact that both of these finishes are heat and water-resistant. So, making it ideal for usage in hot and humid climates. It’s also easy to clean up spills and food stains because it’s water-resistant. Regular maintenance is necessary in the case of an acrylic finish to keep the shiny appearance and avoid blemishes and scratches or else laminates is a sheet that doesn’t need polish.

High gloss acrylic lamination elevating the looks of kitchen cabinets.
High gloss acrylic lamination elevating the looks of kitchen cabinets.

Painting Drive suggestion for your Laminate or Acrylic kitchen cabinets!

Use acrylic coatings on the upper cabinets for a shiny, appealing aesthetic, since most lighting tends to accentuate them. Lower cabinets, which are more prone to experience wear and tear, excellent fit for laminate. You may create a matching aesthetic by selecting textures and colours that complement each other. Therefore, to achieve a stylish yet useful design in this Painting Drive house, we use a blend of acrylic and laminate in the kitchen cabinets.

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Get help with your house painting and wood polishing trouble?

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